By Malcolm Cowan

You may or may not be aware the new Performing Arts library, to replace the facility at New Barnfield, is now open. You may recall that I was told some months back that only about 30% of the collection would be on display there, with the remainder needing to be  requested. This was clearly unacceptable, and I am now told, by Andrew Bignell, head of libraries, that:

'We hope to be able to display around 80% of the performing arts material that was available for browsing at New Barnfield, including all the performance related material (scores and playscripts).  There will not be space to display all the non-fiction books relating to performing arts subjects, or the whole collection of CDs. The intention is to display a  proportion of these items in the showroom, and to rotate the stock on a regular basis to refresh the selection that is available on the open shelves. All other items will, of course, be visible on the catalogue and available on request.'

This is clearly a major advance and your signatures to the petition has opened the door to this much better provision. I also managed to get the music reference library co-located with the borrowing collection, here, rather than with the other reference collection at Campus West (due to open 17 December)

The new library is situated in Bessemer Rd in Welwyn Garden City (postcode AL7 1HT). It is about 1/4 mile from the rail and bus stations, and near several bus routes. I have to say it is poorly signposted at present, not only from the road, but also the whereabouts of visitor parking (at the front) and I am taking this up. The hours of opening are as below. I visited earlier this week with a number of people from the Performing Arts world and the general reaction was very positive. I hope you enjoy using the new library - please let me have any comments.

I expect this to be the final email as this campaign has now finished.

Thanks to everyone who helped, especially Karen Springthorpe.

Monday: 09.00 - 17.00
Tuesday: 09.00 - 19.00
Wednesday: 09.00 - 17.00
Thursday: 09.00 - 19.00
Friday: 09.00 - 17.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 16.00
Best regards, Malcolm Cowan
County Councillor, Handside and Peartree, WGC