An appeal has been accepted after planning permission to build a two bedroom house in St Albans was refused.

Plans that include the erection of a two bedroom detached dwelling on land adjacent to 2 Etna Road was refused by St Albans City and District Council on the grounds that the character and appearance of the area could be affected by the development.

The council also stated that the living conditions of neighbouring occupiers could be affected and that there could be an issue with the standard of living conditions for future occupiers.

Having reviewed the plans, Inspector Timothy King concluded the appeal by Mr P Bignell should succeed, imposing a condition which requires that samples of the external materials to be used are submitted to the council for approval.

He also imposed a condition which requires that the development be implemented only in accordance with the approved plans. The council has suggested a condition in respect of land contamination and, given the site's previous usage, considered that a Site Survey should be carried out to ascertain ground conditions.