My Wonderful Fran is a heart-breaking yet enlightening story of how mental illness can affect the life of not only the individual, but also those closest to them.

This novel chronicles the life of author Paul Spelzini's daughter, as she fights her own personal battle with not only Schizophrenia, but also Asperger’s before she tragically commits suicide at the age of 18.

The book documents the life of Francesca and tells of holidays and time spent with her family over the years. It is sad, but also a positive and uplifting novel.

Paul, from St Albans, says: “I originally wanted a record and legacy of Fran’s life for family purposes, but it went much further to become a factual account of problems of teenage Asperger’s and Schizophrenia.

“Although it is written for the general public, it developed into a tool with which to raise awareness for mental health issues in teens. My Wonderful Fran was also written alongside a discography which is included in the book, and has been designed as a possible film score.”

The book directly targets the stigma against mental illness in today’s society, but it is also is an important read for anyone affected by these issues, or families struggling with Asperger's, Schizophrenia and other related mental illnesses.

The book is published by Austin Macauley.