A company in St Albans has launched a campaign to highlight the risks of drink driving.

Drink driving offences are known to increase over the Christmas period so Drivers Direct, a company that provides drivers to commercial organisations, chose now to spread its message.

It will be providing posters to their branches across the country who will then distribute these to clients.

Gethin Roberts, managing director of Drivers Direct, said: “The negative effects of drink driving are something we feel very passionately about.

“As more and more people will be celebrating over the holiday season, we need to remind everyone that the consequences of driving under the influence might not just include a court appearance, but also death.

“We urge all drivers to look at other methods of transport home after work parties, pub outings and celebrations over this festive period, and let’s not forget that it is also just as important that drivers make sure that they are not over the limit the morning after the party.”