David Laws resigned from his position in the Treasury not because of his private life, which nowadays is no longer shocking, but because he got caught with his fingers in the pie to the tune of £40,000.

Some of his senior colleagues in the coalition Government state it is a great shame and in the near future he could return to some post in the Government.

If these senior members had been bankers, and Mr Laws one of their employees who took £40,000 from the bank, would they have so keen to re-employ him?

It would seem that because it is taxpayers’ money it is no big deal. To say that he may be back in the near future is like appointing a fox to be a guard dog in a chicken run.

For many years wrongdoers in Parliament have found themselves shunted out of one position into another more lucrative one, either in the Lords or the EU Parliament; talk about jobs for the boys.

No wonder that the ordinary working class have little faith in the integrity of MPs.

AP Cox, Heath Close, Holgate, York.

• Trust was recovering and has been knocked back again.

David Laws pocketed £40,000 of ours for his boyfriend and traded the reform we the nation would most benefit from for a seat round David Cameron’s cabinet table, alongside Nick Clegg, to cut social services supporting the weakest among us.

The system stinks and they fell short of reforming it.

George Appleby, Clifton, York.