We all know of the issues bankers are currently having at the moment. The key leaders partially responsible for Britain's problems apologised recently and in that precise moment, the crisis was over...or not.

It's a bit late now don't you think?

To me, their words of apology are less sincere than...well...a banker who's just had a large pay rise for helping to tip the country into chaos. The words were so forced as well it was like all the newspapers, news channels and other forms of news reporting media had the strapped into a chair poking them with sticks until they apologised. They were like little boys who've just pushed over their younger siblings, feeling smug about their evil deed despite being finger wagged by their parents. No wonder the Guardian ran the headline "We're sorry...sort of..."

Oh, and I've just switched account recently to find I get sent my card, cheque book, internet banking information AND a statement saying my old account closed BEFORE my pin number so I have been a poor man for about a week and a half. Where's the logic eh? Bloomin bankers.