Get ready for a truly scrumdiddlyumptious Christmas show, when Roald Dahl’s whizzpoppingly delumptious tale all about George’s Marvellous Medicine is brought to the Abbey Theatre stage by the Company of Ten.

The show is being performed on the main stage from Saturday, December 14, to Sunday, December 29.

Life is already hectic for George, who lives on a ramshackle old farm with his parents, but everything is about to get a whole lot worse when his horrid grandmother turns up wanting to stay.

She is the rudest, unkindest grandma that ever was and George decides to play a trick by concocting a ‘new and improved’ medicine just for her.

But oh dear, he hasn’t bargained for the effects. And after Grandma bursts through the ceiling, George’s dad decides to try the medicine on the farm animals too. And that is when things get seriously out of hand and hysterically funny.

St Albans & Harpenden Review:

Sinead Dunne directs the show and loves its anarchic humour.

She said: “No childhood is complete without the wonderful storytelling of one of the world’s best-selling and most dearly-loved children’s authors, Roald Dahl. But don’t take my world for it. In the BBC’s Big Read Survey to find the nation’s best novel of all time, four of Dahl’s books appeared in the top 100.

“His children’s books always look at life from a child’s perspective and plug into a very particular child-friendly and daring sense of comedy. We can’t wait to share all the fun with our audiences.”

Abbey Theatre, Holywell Hill, St Albans, Saturday, December 14, to Sunday, December 29, various times. Details: 01727 857861