LIKE most other people after a few too many libations I have a tendency to slur my words. So imagine my horror when I was asked to review the Fleur de Lys pub in Market Street, St Albans.

Suffice to say French was not my strongest subject at school and after two or three pints I was convinced the name of this venerable and historic drinking establishment was pronounced "floodlights".

The pub boasts a nice layout with ample seating around large wooden tables. As you enter there is a fairly big alcove section with seating for a few tired and thirsty revellers. There are tables in the rear courtyard for the hot weather.

A small section to the rear of the pub has leather sofas and I am sure is the envy of every group who gets in just a fraction too late of an evening to see their coveted drinking spot has been taken. The bar to the right has the usual standard selection of lagers and ales to satisfy all but the most fussy beer snobs.

Dark red carpet covers the floor in some sections and wooden panelling in others. I have never been a fan of carpets in pubs as they inevitably end up looking dirty and worn. The Fleur de Lys is no exception. Plus they seem to have had a bit left over as they have used it to decorate the walls in an obscure attempt at art.

A pint of Guinness Extra Cold, a pint of London Pride for myself and a large bag of crisps came to £5.25. Not bad for round here.

If I do have one complaint it is the toilets. They are hygienic enough but a bit run down. Also there are no signs on the doors so I had to hazard a guess and steel myself for a scream and a slap in the mouth.

If I was to have a local in St Albans I would probably choose the Fleur de Lys. I felt instantly at home and will definitely be going back.