A St Albans fundraiser aiming to row 5,000 metres every day in November has reached the half way point.

Peter Hensman raised over £3,000 for dementia care and research last year, when a family member began to suffer from the condition.

After beginning the challenge for a second year running, Peter has now reached the half way mark.


He has raised just under £500 so far.

Peter told The Herts Advertiser: "Half way! 15 days into my Row-vember challenge to raise funds and awareness for dementia care and research.

"My body is tired, but I am still rowing!

"So far, I have completed 75,000m of my 150,000m target, rowing 5,000m every day in November.

"Each row is hard work and my back and thigh muscles are really tired.

"But my aches, caused by rowing, are small compared to some of the challenges that dementia can cause for families and loved ones.

"Having seen a family member struggle with young onset dementia and learning that dementia is caused by illness that should be treatable has motivated me take on my month of Row-vember.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Peter set himself the Row-vember challenge because his mo doesn't grow very well.Peter set himself the Row-vember challenge because his mo doesn't grow very well. (Image: Supplied)

"I can’t say I am looking forward to the second half of the month with 15 more rows to go, but I am determined to get there.

"Not only have I still got 75,000m to complete, each row is taking about 20 minutes and over 400 pulls on the rowing machine ‘oar’.

"That means I have about 5 hours of rowing to go before the end of November and over 6,000 rowing strokes.

"At least I haven’t got any problems with blisters…. yet!

"And, I am burning an extra 300 calories a day.

"That will add up to a lot of bonus Christmas cake for me next month."

To support Peter, visit his JustGiving page at www.justgiving.com/team/rowvember2022.