A new playground, which has been described as "a wonderful enhancement", has officially opened in St Albans.

An opening ceremony for the Bernards Heath site was held on Saturday, February 3, with the city's MP Daisy Cooper cutting the ribbon.

The opening follows the success of a £100,000 fundraiser by the Let's Play at Bernards Heath charity, which started raising money for the project in 2019.

Let’s Play chairman David Pearce commented: “The whole community came together to raise funds to ensure that Bernards Heath has an exciting, engaging and enjoyable playground that children can benefit from for years to come.”

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Plans for the new Bernards Heath playground.Plans for the new Bernards Heath playground. (Image: Let's Play at Bernards Heath / Matthew King)

Declaring the playground open, Daisy Cooper MP said: “It’s important that we provide safe, modern outdoor play areas for children to both play and learn in, whilst getting fresh air and having fun with friends.

"This is a wonderful enhancement to the local area and I know that it’s going to prove extremely popular.

"Huge congratulations to everyone involved in making this a reality, especially David Pearce who has seen this project through to completion with amazing determination.”


With a "throng of excited children" enjoying the new equipment for the first time, they displayed their gratitude for the new play area.

Anna Keith, 10, said: “I love it. It’s got some really cool stuff and is so much better than the old playground.”

Arlo Maycock, 5, added: “There’s lots more to climb on and it’s bigger. I like the castle tower.”