Plans have been submitted for 189 new homes to be created on Green Belt land.

If accepted, the application would see 151 "affordable dwellings" created, along with 38 market homes.

The site - at Lyndhurst Farm, between Borehamwood and Shenley - has been identified as an area to be released from the Green Belt as part of Hertsmere Borough Council's draft Local Plan.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: The land which could be used to create 189 homes.The land which could be used to create 189 homes. (Image: Google Maps)

Existing structures would be demolished at the site, prior to the construction of the new homes, community building and creation of open spaces.

A planning statement included within the application reads: "The erection of new buildings is permissible because the definitional harm to the Green Belt and any other harm, is clearly outweighed by the identified public benefits so that very special circumstances are demonstrated to exist.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: Example elevations of a proposed home to be created at Lyndhurst Farm.Example elevations of a proposed home to be created at Lyndhurst Farm. (Image: FINC Architects Ltd / Hertsmere Borough Council)

"The collective benefits of the development are substantive and extensive. 

"Any possible adverse impacts of granting planning permission would not significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits."

The full application can be viewed by using reference 24/0451/FUL on the Hertsmere Borough Council planning portal.

St Albans & Harpenden Review: A community hub is included within the plans.A community hub is included within the plans. (Image: FINC Architects Ltd / Hertsmere Borough Council)

Fifteen public comments have been made to the application, with 10 objections.