Bim Afolami, MP for Hitchin & Harpenden, has said that more must be done to protect children "from the impacts of smartphones and social media".

He has given his backing to the national Smartphone Free Childhood Campaign, which seeks to raise awareness about the harms of smartphones to children.

They provide support for parents who would like to give their children smartphone free childhoods, and are calling for "far tougher regulation on tech companies".

Mr Afolami said that "hundreds of people" in Hitchin and Harpenden have contacted him stories about the impact of smartphones and social media on children.

He continued: “Like many of you, I had a smartphone free childhood. I was horrified to learn that around 20 per cent of three-to-four year olds have a smartphone.


"The evidence shows that they are highly addictive, correlate with mental health problems, affect concentration and expose children to harmful content.

“I believe we need to do more to protect children from the impacts of smartphones and social media – particularly in our schools.

"That’s why I am conducting a survey to hear your views on this vitally important subject. I hope you’ll share your thoughts at”