ONE of Britain's leading veterinary charities has issued a national "pet alert" as the country braces itself for the impact of war.

The PDSA PetAlert includes practical advice for pet owners evacuated from their homes or unable to return home to look after their pets for any reason.

Hundreds of pets were stranded following the terrible events of September 11, two years ago, in New York and Washington.

Sadly many died. The greatest number of fatalities came from dehydration.

PDSA is determined that this will not happen here and that the health and welfare of animals caught up in such tragic circumstances will be a priority.

Ms Marilyn Rydstrom, PDSA director general, said: "Pets should never be just an afterthought in any emergency situation particularly those caused by acts of war or terrorism.

"We are fully aware, from the rescue services at Ground Zero, of the agony pet owners face if their pet should die simply because no-one thought about their welfare until it was too late.

"PDSA is asking all pet owners to prepare for the health and welfare of their pets in advance of circumstances in which they cannot reach home or are evacuated without their pets."

The PDSA PetAlert warns pet owners that dehydration is the biggest killer for pets left alone at home.

Most animals can survive for several days on water alone if they have to. Top up water carriers everyday before you leave home.

The charity, which provides free veterinary care for needy pet owners, advises pet owners to keep extra stocks of pet food, litter and bedding.

Have suitable carriers for your pets readily available and in good condition.

Do not leave pets tied up outside or turn them loose outdoors to fend for themselves, bring then inside the house. They also advice leaving a spare set of house keys and instructions for the care of your pets with a trusted neighbour or relative.

For more information call PDSA on 01952 290999 or visit