HUNDREDS of people will come together this weekend for a major St Albans Cathedral service in aid of the Review's Raise the Roof appeal for St Michael's Church.

A Songs of Praise style event will take place from 6.30pm on Sunday, December 13, to raise money for the church's new roof.

The Sub Dean Reverend Canon Stephen Lake hopes as many people will come along to support the cause.

He said: “St Albans Abbey has the largest roof in Hertfordshire so it will be great to gather to raise the roof of St Michael's.

“It will be led by the Abbey Girls Choir and there will be a collection at the end in which we hope everyone will contribute.

“This is a really good opportunity for people to sing some popular hymns under one roof and it is only right that we are supporting the church which is involved in annual pilgrimage and the story of St Alban.”

The Review's appeal to help the 1000-year-old church after led was stolen from its roof has been welcomed by the community who have pulled together to raise as much money as possible. More than £31,000 has been raised and the appeal is well on its way to reaching the £50,000 target.