I groan when yet another internet site demands a password ! I know it’s necessary for security, but I just resent it. I am a human being and not wired up for complicated yet face-less interaction.

Then, when you’ve decided to do your granny’s maiden name backwards for a change, instead of your favourite breed of apples plus your age, the nasty machine demands your chosen questions. I remember getting caught out because I put a question mark in front of a question. Do I start to sound like a Grumpy Old lady of TV fame ?

Oh how good to talk to someone real, someone who takes me as I am and trusts me. Yes, and I’ve thought of another relationship that doesn’t depend on passwords to verify that I am a proper person. God.

To talk to God you don’t have to have been to Sunday school. You don’t have to pick up Brownie points for going to church. You don’t have to be respectable or well- mannered . You can be on drugs, or dysfunctional, a looter, yes you can be a major part of broken Britain, and yet if you send up even a whisper to God, he listens and treats you as though you were really special, the person he’d choose for his screen saver. Although he hates evil, he cares passionately about each one of us.

I’ve met people who were suicidal who cried out to God in despair, and he turned their lives around. What a relief that passwords aren’t needed!

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