I've been fascinated with the comparison of the wheelinigs and dealings at the recent party conferences with my reading of old Jewish history in the Bible.

We have a run of kings of Israel and Judah. There's good ones like Asa and Jehoshapat, who, when faced with a military decision, said "But first let's consult the Lord". Then there's Amaziah who " did what was pleasing to the Lord but did it reluctantly."

But what interests me is the influence of the advisers. Young King Joash became king at the age of seven, and reading the small print, while his special adviser was alive, all went well, only to be reversed on his death.

One-off prophets arrived to tell the kings what they thought God wanted. Some were frightened off by threats,.

We read that King Reheboam, when faced with a deputation from his people to ask for less burdens and less tax, first asked for 3 days to consider the proposition. He then consulted the older men who' been his father's advisers and they recommended conciliation and kindness.  Next, however, he consulted his contemporaries, now his advisers, and they strongly advocated doubling the people's burdens. Reheboam took this latter advice.

Who is advising David Cameron, Nick Clegg and Ed Milliband ? These leaders are not "stand-along" pioneers, but heading up a team.

If you take the Bible's advice seriously, pray, not only for your leaders, but pray for those who advise them.

Elspeth Jackman of St.Albans Vineyard church

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