Please find below the current list of Police Priority's for your area that have been identified by reported / on-going calls received to police by local residents. (full details can be displayed on Herts Police Website under Hatfield East and West)

We would like to hear from you to identify what priorities are important to you and what you would like us to act on so we can efficiently patrol and set tasking accordingly.

Let us know from the below priority's if you are happy with the currents ones or if none of them are applicable please let us know what issues if any you are having within your local area / or what you would like us to focus on.


1. Parking Issues - (related areas holly Close / Minster Close / High Dells / Tomsfield / Brambles Road)
2. Anti-social behaviour (Indells and High View Shops) - including mini motos Lark Rise / St Etheldredas Drive / Onslow and stream woods area)
3. Criminal damage (Arson to sheds) Lark Rise / Eagle way

If you are a local resident from Essendon and if your complaint is in regards to Traffic related issues i.e. HGV's or speeding vehicles travelling through the area - Police are currently working with the local community in regards to regular Speed enforcement and new initiatives to reduce such issues.


Also we carry out regular speed enforcement days within highlighted areas such as Bishops Rise / Travellers Lane and St Albans Road East.

Currently we are working closely with the relevant primary schools who will be assisting us in getting the message through to drivers re the dangers of speeding within the close proximity of schools.

Details of your Local Officers can be found by entering your postcode on the following website-

If you need to reply by email click on my address here:

Adam Coley
Police Community Support Officer
Neighbourhood Watch
Tel: 01707 806471