Residents can find out how to have their say in decisions that affect St Albans during Local Democracy Week.

The week, which runs from Monday, October 14 to Sunday, October 20, will give visitors the opportunity to ask questions and be heard.

The programme organised by St Albans District Council includes:

•Question Panel events at Verulam School, Townsend School, Sandringham School and St Albans Girls School. Students can quiz district councillors on national and local issues.

•A Democracy event at St Albans Market on Wednesday, October 16 from 11-3pm. ‘A’ level Citizenship Students from Oaklands College will invite people to raise issues and to have their say on topics such as affordable housing and transport.

•A Meet the Mayor competition for primary schools. Pupils are being invited to illustrate what they would do if they were mayor for the day. The winner will get to meet the mayor in her parlour for tea and be able to dress up in the mayoral robes.

There will also be an Any Questions style event in the Council Chamber at the Civic Centre at 7pm on Wednesday, November 6. A panel made up of councillors and representatives from all age groups will be answering questions from the audience.

Topics to be discussed include affordable housing, transport, car parks and access to local facilities, availability of social activities and information provision.

Councillor Beric Read, portfolio holder for community engagement and localism at the council, said: "These events are an opportunity to find out how decisions are made and to gain a wider understanding of local democracy at work.

"Come along and get involved in local democracy by asking questions and having your say."

At the end of Local Democracy Week, the council will compile a report on the activities and issues raised by residents during the week.

Free tickets are available for this event from or the council’s offices at the Civic Centre in St Peter’s Street.

Questions must be submitted prior to the event by emailing: