Free security marking for bicycles is being offered to residents in Harpenden this weekend.

Officers from the Harpenden Safer Neighbourhood Team will be offering the security marking at Harpenden Cycles, 115 Southdown Road, between 10am and 2pm on Saturday, April 11.

PCSO Greg Coulshed organised the event and said: "Security marking involves putting the postcode and house number on the bike by marking it with a UV pen. A sticker is placed on the bike saying that it is security marked.

"I'd recommend people take the time to come along. If your bike is lost or stolen in the future, it's more likely to be returned to you if it security marked as we will be able to identify who it belongs to.

"You don't need to book an appointment, just turn up. We'll also be on hand to provide advice about how to keep your bike, and other personal belongings, secure."