An application to convert part of an award-winning Italian delicatessen and cafe in St Albans has been refused.

Tony Picciuto was informed earlier this year that his landlord Alan Oakley had submitted an application to St Albans District Council to change the use from shops to residential at 68 Lattimore Road, the home of popular Italian deli Buongiorno Italia.

Mr Oakley also applied for a two storey extension and rear basement extension, which if approved could mean the forced downsizing of the deli and coffee bar.

Mr Picciuto was told last week the council’s planning department could find no reason to refuse permission, despite a 1,600-signature petition.

Reacting to the news, Mr Picciuto said: “It was a very close thing. We have won a battle but not the war, there is still a long way to go before Buongiorno Italia is safe from downsizing.

“Thank you to all 545 of you who wrote to object and the 1,600 who signed our petition and everybody who supports us in the shop.”

The application, which had been recommended approval, was refused at last night’s planning meeting.

Lib Dems Chris White and Sandy Walkington said they were "delighted".

County councillor called the matter into committee. He said: 'I am glad that common sense prevailed. We cannot afford to lose facilities of this quality."

More to follow.