More than 150 adults and children gathered together for the city's second annual public Menorah lighting.

Organised by St Albans United Synagogue, the lighting of the menorah at the Clock Tower, St Albans, marked the Jewish festival of Chanukah, known as the Festival of Lights.

Candles were lit on a six-foot high menorah candelabrum on December 29. The lighting service was attended by the Mayor of St Albans Cllr Frances Leonard as well as representatives of the city's interfaith groups and was led by St Albans United Synagogue minister Rabbi Daniel Sturgess.

Rabbi Sturgess said: "It was wonderful to see so many people of different faiths and backgrounds gathered together in mutual respect on Chanukah, the festival which calls on us all to bring a little more light into the world."

Because it was the sixth night of the eight-day festival, starting from one candle, plus the shamash – meaning helper or servant - used to light all the other candles, an extra candle is added each night, the seven candles attracted passers-by and shoppers both Jewish and non-Jewish.

Mayor Leonard said: "It was an honour to be invited to attend the ceremony, which marked the sixth night of Chanukah.

"It was heartening to see so many Jewish people coming together to publicly celebrate their faith in the centre of St Albans.

"This is the second time that the Chanukah has been lit in the city centre; I hope it will now become an annual tradition."