WHEN I visited Amanda's home I was expecting to find a small fortune teller sitting among candles, burning incense and beaded drapes.

But on my arrival last Thursday I was shocked to discover the image I had created in my head was far from the truth.

Amanda was a perfectly normal woman and her home reminded me of my own.

Pictures of her children lined the walls and the only ornaments that implied her fascination with the spiritual world were the two buddhas displayed on her mantlepiece.

Amanda, a mother of three, insists you don't have to wear the robes of Mystic Meg or burn a joss stick to possess spiritual powers.

She believes everybody has a hidden psychic ability and she is making it her mission to help people unearth it.

The 38-year-old from Morris Way in London Colney became aware of her psychic talent during her childhood.

She said: "Children at school thought I was a know-it-all - I always knew what was wrong with people.

"I used to know if someone was feeling unwell or if someone wasn't coming into school."

But until she reached adulthood, Amanda tried to suppress her extra-sensory perception because it scared her.

"I used to be a sceptic - I didn't like the word psychic," she said.

"I was scared by it - how could someone know all about you? I found that very strange."

But following a string of destructive relationships and the heart-rending news that she may not be able to have children, Amanda brushed aside her sceptism and sought help from a psychic healer.

Within days of her visit, Amanda had miraculously conceived and it seemed her life was back on track.

It was this extraordinary event that stimulated Amanda's interest in her own psychic talents, a fascination that would take over her life.

Following the birth of her second child, Amanda saved herself from death by tapping into her psychic healing ability.

After being rushed to hospital with septicaemia, doctors told Amanda's family her future looked bleak - if she escaped death she would suffer from serious organ problems or possibly brain damage.

But incredibly within days she was fit and well and out of hospital.

She believes it was her spiritual healing method that pulled her through the critical stages of this life-threatening illness.

"It was through my sheer determination to live for my children that I started self healing," she said.

"Miraculously I came out of hospital within eight days and no one could understand why - I even had nurses visiting me for help in the end."

Dumbfounded by Amanda's astonishing recovery, people began to visit her for healing sessions.

"People would come to me for help," she said.

"People going through a life crisis, those with severe physical problems, drug and alcohol addictions and infertile women."

But despite helping others, Amanda felt her clients had the power to discover the answers alone.

She said: "It's no good people coming to me for the answers - I needed to give people something to take away with them for the future so they can find the answers for themselves.

"I needed to empower them."

She explained humans only use part of the brain to function, but if we accessed another part which is isolated and disconnected we can expose our own psychic powers.

"You can tap into the unconscious mind and make use of that in the conscious world."

Certain that she can help others to discover their full psychic potential Amanda, who appeared on Channel Five series Britain's Psychic Challenge, has paired up with the show's expert Deborah Borgen, who has worked as a professional psychic in Norway for more than 20 years.

Together the pair will be travelling around Hertfordshire, London and other home counties from January helping people to develop their spiritual powers via a series of workshops.

Amanda said: "This is what I've been waiting for as this will teach people to understand that we all have psychic ability and this is very much the core of this work which may cause a little stirring for those convinced it is only for the chosen few.

"The classes will help people to create and manifest things - if you want to change your job - if you are unhappy in your relationship and you want to make it more fulfilled - the classes will helps you to heal problems and find the optimum solution.

"The optimum solution is for the highest good of you and the highest good of all."

"You will become aware of what's best for you and what's best for those around you.

"You can do more and you can achieve more and it helps you stop existing and start living."

Deborah, who in the past has used her powers to help police solve murder cases, said: "My issue is for people to use their whole potential and use their psychic abilities.

"When we use them we can have a better life and find the optimum solution for ourselves and those around us."

Amanda concluded: "I know that everybody has the power in them and if you give people the help they can use them and they don't have to go to a healer, a psychic or a medium.

"They no longer have to rely on other people, they can rely on themselves."

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