THE Wheathampstead Beavers delved into the history of St Albans District Council last week when they were educated on the Mayor's ceremonial clothes.

Councillor Chris Oxley together with the Macebearer were invited to the troop's weekly meeting to talk to them about the story behind their antique regalia – the 349-year-old mace and the Mayor's chain – which was donated to St Albans District Council in 1884.

Speaking of the visit Councillor Oxley said: “It was a delight to see the level of interest taken by the boys, all of whom are aged under eight.

“They tried on the Macebearer's gown and examined the mace and chain. Following our talk, we were swamped with questions from the group, demonstrating their interest in the role of the Mayor and the Macebearer.”

David Allen, leader of the troop, said: “The Beavers were really excited to meet the Mayor who spent the whole evening with them.

“In addition to the excitement of holding the mace and chain the Beavers were able to learn about the role of the Mayor which will help them to achieve their friendship challenge badge.”