MORE details of MPs' expenses have been published today, showing Anne Main has claimed for a washing machine and floor repair for her St Albans flat.

Parliamentary authorities, which published claims covering 2004/5 to 2007/8 online in June, have added 2008/9 and the first quarter of 2009/10.

Mrs Main's claims show her mortgage payments on her flat in St Albans, which she designates as her second home, dropped from £1,139 per month in the previous year to £1,086 in May 2008.

In April and the first part of May she claimed £390 for a washing machine, £546 for floor repair, and £300 for food.

Only one monthly claim for 2009/10 has been published, showing no mortgage interest, but £246 for utility bills.

Mrs Main was forced into a deselection battle by local Conservative critics after the Review revealed her claims for the flat in Samuel Square, Pageant Close, where she was living with her daughter.

But Mrs Main, whose main home is in Beaconsfield in Buckinghamshire, won a vote of confidence on August 13.

The Review has asked Mrs Main to comment on her newly published claims.