ST Albans Mayor Chris Oxley will be hosting a charity art exhibition this weekend to raise money for good causes.

Artists will be displaying their work at the Town Hall in St Albans on Saturday, between 10.30am and 4pm and again on Sunday between 10.30am and 4pm.

Money raised from the event will be donated to Councillor Oxley's chosen charities - St Albans Citizens Advice Bureau, (CAB) and the Council for Voluntary Services.

Councillor Oxley said: “We have over 25 exhibitors showing a wide range of superb paintings, photographs and sculptures, most of which will be available to purchase, with many being auctioned on Sunday afternoon.

"Do visit the exhibition and show your support for the artists. Hopefully you will want to make a purchase and thereby assist my charities, which due to the current economic climate, are seeing a huge increase in demand for their services.”

Entry to the exhibition is free but a portion of the profits from works sold will be donated to the Mayor's charities.