EVERY 11-year-old in Redbourn has won a place at a St Albans or Harpenden secondary school - except for one forlorn youngster who now faces a daily trek to Hemel Hempstead and back alone.

Alisha Hall, of Nicolls Close, was refused her choices of Sandringham, Sir John Lawes and Beaumont, but allocated a place at Astley Cooper School in Hemel Hempstead.

This week the clearly upset pupil said: "I am very disappointed.

"I hoped I would get a place at Sandringham or Sir John Lawes. My dad went to Sandringham - he says it is a really good school.

"Most of my friends are going to Roundwood Park.

"Nobody I know is going to Astley Cooper. I don't know anything about it, but one of my friends' mums says it is an appalling achool."

Only one other pupil - a boy who does not live in the village - out of 58 in the top year at Redbourn Junior School has failed to get into a St Albans or Harpenden comprehensive.

Alisha's mother Khalin said: "She feels isolated and ostracised. Her dad works in St Albans so he could give her a lift to Sandringham.

"To get to Hemel she will have to get at least one bus, probably two."

Khalin hopes Alisha can win a place through the "continuing interest" or appeals processes and is now grappling with Hertfordshire County Council's forms and deadlines.

She said: "It is very confusing and quite stressful. It could be June or July before we know for sure and meanwhile we have to get a school uniform.

"I know there a lot of children who do not get a place in any of their chosen schools, but obviously you want to put your own child first.

"It is her future - we will fight and fight and fight."