Dilapidated council garages could make way for more than 100 new homes, it was announced last night.

St Albans City District Council has decided to hold a public consultation on plans to redevelop 18 council-owned garage sites and build in their place 119 affordable housing units.

The decision was taken last night after the council’s ruling Conservative cabinet considered suggestions to secure affordable housing on its under occupied garage sites – which are said to be unsuitable for many modern cars and do not provide value for money for the council.

Recent analysis identified up 200 garages that could be redeveloped and further work will now be carried out to establish whether the scheme is viable.

Relevant ward and parish councillors will now began to ask residents about the plan.

The cabinet agreed that a working party be set up to oversee a consultation on plans to redevelop 18 garage sites into a mix of two and three bed houses and flats.

The move builds on the Garage Site Strategy agreed by cabinet in 2006 to prioritise garage sites for redevelopment.

Similar developments include Castle Mews, in Flint Way, and Whitehedge Drive.

Councillor Brian Ellis, responsible for housing, said: “The redevelopment of garage sites will make a significant contribution towards meeting the target for the provision of affordable homes in the district.

“The council has 2,749 garages of which 29 per cent are empty. It makes sense to look at redeveloping those sites where there is low demand for garages in order to provide affordable housing where practicable.”