Schoolchildren in St Albans will get the chance to learn about the potential dangers of electricity in the upcoming weeks.

Hundreds of Year 6 pupils are expected to attend the workshops over the next few weeks, as part of a of a Crucial Crew event.

UK Power Networks, which owns and operates the electricity distribution network in the East of England, London and the South East, will come in to schools across the district to teach youngsters how to behave responsibly and safely.

An interactive ghost box will be used to emphasise safety messages such as why you must not go into electricity substations or ignore "danger" signs.

Sonya Keating, UK Power networks education adviser, said: "This is an exciting way of getting the safety message across, using six short, real-life scenarios, followed by a quiz that could help to save their lives.

"Schoolchildren have become more sophisticated and now require an exciting device that will engage them, capture their imaginations and keep them involved in the learning process.

"Our ghost box model uses an old music hall technique involving semi-silvered mirrors, give the impression of the ghosts’ heads floating in front of a street scene.

"It helps them to understand how dangerous electricity can be if it’s not treated with respect, and recognise the danger signs to enable them to make the decisions that keep them safe."

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