Police are launching a new service to help recover stolen ‘smart' phones that have tracking applications installed, which makes it possible to locate a phone using its GPS signal. New technology now enables police to track phones on behalf of victims of phone theft, where possible, they will recover the phone and deal with any suspects.

The tracking applications or ‘apps' are available for iPhones, BlackBerrys and other smart phones and are easy to download and usually free. The ‘apps' can be activated remotely via a dedicated website, which can then be used to track the location of the phone.

If a phone with an ‘app' installed has been lost - the owner can simply log on to the application's website, activate the application and locate the handset. However, if a phone is stolen, the owner should make contact with the police as soon as possible, if this is immediately after the incident this should be via the 999 emergency number. If you are not able to report the theft immediately you should call the non-emergency 101 number. In both instances you will need to give call takers your logging in details.

It is strongly recommended that owners rely on the police rather than try to recover stolen phones themselves, as this could place them in difficult or even dangerous situations. Lost phones that you can trace back to somewhere you have been recently will be safe to collect yourself, but if it is subsequently stolen, or you remotely locate it to a place you have never been, please exercise caution and call the police for advice.

There are a number of suitable applications available, such as Find My iPhone for iPhone, Blackberry Protect for Blackberry and there are a number of applications available for other smart phones which can be downloaded from phone application stores. Please note, however, that if you leave your phone unlocked a thief can deactivate the tracking app.

For more advice on protecting your mobile/smart phone, visit: www.herts.police.uk.

If you need to reply by email click on the address here: cmmail@herts.pnn.police.uk.